Overcoming Self-Sabotage Activity Guide Bonus

Overcoming Self-SabotageAre you ready for this adventure to a new you?   You are to be complimented on taking time to invest in yourself and your future. I am honored that you are allowing me to assist you in your important journey toward becoming EXTRAordinary. After all, you deserve the very best that life has to offer.

You can find your ACTivity Guide by clicking here.

The next bonus mentioned in Overcoming Self-Sabotage is an Optimal Performance Checklist you don’t know where you are going until you discover where you are; this is especially true with regards to self-sabotage. You can access the assessment by clicking here….

Another bonus is a sample copy of one of my most impactful books, Daily Affirmations of Daily Affirmations For LoveLove: 365 Days of Love in Thought and Action. Although the book was written as a tribute to my loving husband, Greg, it is filled with the kind of relationship building suggestions and actions that will work with one of the key areas of self-sabotage…learning to love one’s self and building and maintaining healthy relations in many areas of your life. Small steps do lead to enormous results. Download your copy here…

The final special bonus is “un-announced.” This is reserved for those of you who are truly engaging in efforts to overcome self-sabotage — the gift of a 1:1 Breakthrough Strategy Session with me. If you are interested in accelerating your progress and quickly reaching your goals, please email me so we can begin the conversation around what you want to accomplish and when it will best work to schedule our time together.

I so look forward to engaging with you on a 1:1 basis to discuss how you’ve benefited from the book, and discover if there are other areas you feel we could work on together to get the greatest transformations in overcoming self-sabotage.  Here’s to unleashing the MVP within!

Mamiko Odegard